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ESCO Voices Winners

Congratulations to all the ESCO members who have won the ESCO Voices Contest and were selected to write an article for Cancerworld magazine

2nd Edition - Inequality in cancer care: what can we doctors do about it?

Dear World, Everyone can get cancer – yet, access to the right treatment remains a privilege that is still denied to far too many. In this disparity, the disease… READ MORE

“Wait! You can’t give your patients pemetrexed?” my young colleague exclaimed during a break between lectures at an international meeting. Quietly, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks, I replied,… READ MORE

1st Edition - Artificial Intelligence in oncology. Strengths and weaknesses of an indispensable tool

As the Austrian writer Karl Kraus pointed out at the turn of the twentieth century, the development of technology will leave only one problem: the infirmity of human nature. That… READ MORE

During a recent clinic visit, a young woman newly diagnosed with breast cancer mentioned that she had used ChatGPT to research treatment options. We explained to the patient that, although…READ MORE


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