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Earning ESCO credits

How to earn credits

All ESO activities are awarded credits. The general rule is 1 hour of face-to-face learning = 1 credit.
When you take part in an ESO activity (event, course online, fellowship, certificate, etc) the credits you have earned will be automatically added to your profile.
A complete list of credits available per activity is published on the ESO website on the relevant activity page.

Some ESO activities have set credits:


30 credits


9 credits

CTC Fellowship

CTC Fellowships
120 credits = 3 months fellowship
240 credits = 6 months fellowship

Certificate of Competence

Postgraduate Programmes
(Lymphoma, Lung, Breast and Gastrointestinal cancer)

400 credits



1 credit = every 10 e-ESO sessions

2 credits = 1 completed pathway


Your e-ESO viewing history is automatically recorded if you have registered and logged on to the e-ESO website when you view the sessions, so please ensure you do this.
You can participate in either a Live or Recorded session and you will need to complete the evaluation questionnaire at the end of viewing in order for the system to register your participation. The system will consider the number of e-ESO certificates that your account has collected.

ESCO Podcasts
2 Credits


Credits can also be earned via your achievements outside the School. You will need to demonstrate proof of these achievements via our online form.


EBSQ Examination in Surgical Oncology

EBSQ Examination in Breast Surgery

ESMO Examination

European Hematology Examination

=300 credits 

Publishing articles

Publishing articles, studies, comments & papers in Journals (in the last 5 years)
in a national publication = 5 credits

in an international publication = 10 credits

(there is a limit of earning up to 100 ESCO credits for publishing work, either 10 International publications and/or 20 National publications.
Once you have reached 100 Credits for publishing you will still be able to earn credits but it will be reduced to 1 credit per published piece)

Certificate appreciation

Having abstracts accepted at conferences
(abstract book, poster session, presentations, in the last 5 years)

at a national conference/event = 5 credits

at an international conference/event = 10 credits

(there is a limit of earning up to 50 ESCO credits for having abstracts accepted at conferences. Once you have reached 50 credits for abstracts you will still be able to earn credits but it will be reduced to 1 credit per abstract)



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